Friday, October 23, 2009


Ever not do something you know you should?

Happens all too often with me. As I type this, I should be finishing up a project for my Sociology's Media Day Project. I have to describe a sociological theory, and find something that relates to it in Popular Culture and/or the Media. It's due today. In 6 hours, to be more precise.

Discounting the fact that I should have started this two weeks ago, I feel really stupid that I have left it this far along. I have had close calls in the past with projects, but not many this bad. But it's amazing that as I type this, it's having a calming effect. I think I know what I should write about. Now only to figure out how it relates to Sociology.... I'll get back to you on this... I need to start posting more anyways...

Words cannot describe...

...My Procrastination